Looks like 4.0 has settled in. Blizzcon is this week and Cata is right around the corner. My guild has pretty much stopped raiding and most people are just taking it easy till the expansion.
Its time to figure out what I want to get done before December rolls around. For the blog I want to get to a more stable posting schedule so the plan is to start with posting every Monday night during or before maintenance. I would like to run updates of what I am doing ingame and what I see with the philosophy, interactions and attitudes in the game.
As for the game I do know that I want to get that tiger mount out of ZG, so that will keep going every 3 days. I also want that Mimiron's Head mount from Ulduar. I have a weekly run for that so keep your fingers crossed for me on that.
On the professions front, I have blacksmithing and engineering on my main and I have 80s with alchemy, enchanting, mining, and leatherworking all maxed. I have an alt that needs to get to 65 to get his jewelcrafting and inscription up to 450, not sure what level he will need for 525. On that same vein I need to set up my spreadsheets and snatch lists so I can automate the whole mess. Luckily the posting and crafting side of things only took like a day to get back on its feet.
I have never liked organized pvp. In the early days of ranks and bg's it was a super grind just to stay competitive. Then came arenas and dedication to an aspect of play I was just not that interested in. Plus I died a lot so pvp was never fun if I wasn't the one ganking in STV. With the wrathful gear now available without having to have a rating and resiliance changed to counter all damage from other players I am living longer in bg's solo and am pretty unkillable with a pocket healer. Fun times.
The last thing I am contemplating doing is getting the insane title. I already have the darkmoon faire rep up because of making so many greatness trinkets over the last year. After that ravnholdt is the next hardest and I have a rogue who can grind out the junkboxes. I also love the gordok ogre suits that you have to grind to get your goblin rep back and its fun to give em out in raids.
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