Thursday, October 14, 2010

4.0... Glyph maker's apocalypse

If you do a quick browse through the gold making blogs around the interwebs, you will see two reactions to the 4.0 patch. First is OMG ALL MY ADDONS ARE BROKE / I CANT LOG ON AND MAKE GOLD. Second is Can't talk now too busy making gold hand over fist.

The main difference between the first and the second is how prepared people were for 4.0 to hit. If you were prepared you made gold. If not, well now you get to cry and go back to the grindstone.

I only prepared in one way. I stopped posting for the last two weeks and stockpiled my glyph stacks. On patch day I went to the movies with my girlfriend (the social network, not horrible) and posted when I got back. This was about the times raids were ending. I went to bed and checked my auctions 7 hours later.

13 thousand gold in the mailbox.

I then went and canceled my auctions and reposted what was undercut. I also noticed a few people bought out my entire stock of low priced glyphs so I went through and bought all the glyphs that were under 20g and would have more than a 5g jump if I bought out the lowest priced ones. If there were three sellers at 10g and 11g then the next was at 20g I would buy the low ones out. I spent 5 thousand gold so at this point I am down to 8 thousand.

In the 2 hours it took me to cancel, buy low, and repost I had pulled 3 thousand out of the mailbox. Running total: 16 thousand gained with 5 thousand spent and a new batch of glyphs on the AH. Now its time to go do it again.

Edit: It's slowing down. made 7.7 thousand for a total of almost 24 thousand gold in 2 days, and wonder of wonders, ATSW and KTQ play nicely. time to make some more glyphs.


  1. As a fellow glyph maker I used KTQ and Skillet prior to the patch. Skillet is dead. I've swapped to ATSW. How did you get KTQ to populate ATSW's queue?

    Thanks a ton man. Great blog!

    - Staghelm Scribe

  2. I got a new version of KTQ and it works fine with popluating the ATSW queue, however my KTQ doesn't talk with altoholic.

    As long as you are posting on the same toon as you are making the glyphs you are fine.

    Around the blogosphere I am reading that KTQ and some others are working hard on updating their addons to bring back the old functionality.
