Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The final push

I finally made it to 85!

After I posted last, I was in bed and asleep within 20 minutes. I woke up 12 hours later, when my wonderful girlfriend (she reads this blog) left for work. After getting caught up on my internet, I logged in and got back to it. 4 1/2 hours later I hit 85. I must say Twilight highlands has much better xp gains from quests than any other level. Thats a good thing too because you have so much more xp to get.

All in all it took me 18ish hours to get to 85, our guild fastest was Xzlrate at 13 hours and the first person on the server to get it was about 11 hours.

I spent the next few hours running an instance to get my gear ilvl up high enough for the game to let me do heroics, buying and enchanting/gemming/reforging gear, doing a few dailies, and finally getting tabbards for rep.

My guild wants to run our first raid on Sunday so I still have work ahead of me in terms of getting rep up and getting gear to be ready. I also want to do a bunch of archeology cause there are some great things from there. I am seriously thinking of changing professions on my main, but I need to figure out what professions I want on which toon first.

My usual Wednesday night post is supposed to be about making gold, but right now the markets are so in flux, its hard to say what will make you a profit. I do know that if you have the gold, its more than likely you will rake in the profit by power-leveling your profession and selling the items. Gathering professions are gouging incredibly right now with the cheapest Obsidium bars going for over 100g each. Herbs are cheaper, but still selling each at the price of what I expect a stack to be.

My best advice for making gold right now is to sell everything you can now and in a week or two when prices even out, restock.

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