Saturday, December 11, 2010


Gold in your pocket or gold in another's. Right now the AH is in a great state of fluctuation. The power levelers are done or close to it, the second wave of heavy crafters are getting their fingers in the mix. Many people are trying to eek out that little bit more of profit from gathering professions and undercutting wars are starting.

I hope you have your snatch list set up. If you don't, you need to do it first the next time you log on. Don't know what prices to put up? That easy, you price your snatches at 1g below whatever the lowest price for the item is at when you make the list. The reason for this is that everything is in a steady decline right now. For the next few weeks we will still have people leveling their toons and their professions and due to too much to do, too little time, they are taking the fast route and simply undercutting on the AH.

Scan the AH and run your snatch search every hour or so because new stuff pops up as people visit the city between quests, farming or dungeons. If you start seeing a large amount of one item lower your snatch price to the new bottom end. You really are looking for the best deals.

The most important part? USE THOSE SNATCHES! Flip the items and use the mats to craft RIGHT NOW. Since prices are going down you don't want to stockpile at 50 gold per item when it will be 10 gold per item in 3 weeks. The same goes for the crafted items. Stuff that costs 1000g to make right now will still sell for 5000g. Later the sale price will probably be under 800g but materials will be closer to 500g.

For example: I leveled blacksmithing to 515 tonight. The "bloodied" set (pvp) is costing about 550g per piece to make and the mats are just 20 elementium bar and 10 volatile air. I have been steady selling these for 1600g each simply because mine are the only ones up there and people want gear for pvp. Elementium bars and volatile fires are not hard to get, the prices are just super inflated right now. I expect those pvp pieces to drop to a price of around 300g each with a crafting cost of between 200g and 250g. If I hold on to the elementium and volatiles I get now I will be losing money in the end.

Finally, don't forget its Winterveil coming up so get ready to hit the auction house with all the stuff the lazy people don't want to look for: Milk and Gingerbread cookies, red and green outfits, snowballs, etc.

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