Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Much less fail this week (so far)

Tonight was the first night that Ruby Sanctum was available. Of course we went in to try and kill the new dragon.

We downed him and got the server 7th kill. Kind of sweet irony that it was 7th and not 5th.

Then we went to ICC and killed the first 4 bosses on heroic. That's right, the boss that deserved her own post last week was downed with only one wipe and that wipe was at 1%. We did use a new (to us) strat. We kept her in the middle of the room instead of on the stairs you come in on. That may have helped but what was the deciding factor was the ability of people to dodge ghosts this week.

Hell we even did so good on dodging ghosts that on the kill we only had one person die.

Back to Ruby Sanctum. This raid is at the same time, the easiest boss out there and the hardest. It is a gift to raiders and a bane to pugs. Hell it is so easy for raiders that we killed him with 1/3 of our raid dead for half the fight.

Ruby Sanctum is an obvious gift to raiders as an incentive to not quit raiding until Cataclysm comes out. It is what I call a Retard-Check boss. If you are being a retard then you will not kill the boss. If you can do 3 or 4 easy things and dps/heal/tank as a secondary job then you will down the boss.

How is it a gift to raiders? Well, its one hell of an easy boss if you have people who can stay out of void zones, dodge fire and lasers, and communicate on when to slow down or stop dps in 2 separate "rooms" in the instance at the appropriate time. Do this and you get loot. And not just any loot. As a dps dk there is 3 pieces of loot that is by far Best In Slot. And the trinkets are amazing for all classes.

The other less obvious boon to raiders is that this instance really shines a spotlight on the people in your raids who are holding you back. If you see the same person die over and over again in this instance you can bet they are the same ones who keep causing wipes in the other raids. This instance is easy if you do your job. I can't say it enough.

Why raiders and not pugs? Because to kill Hallion you need to have a group of non retards. When you pug you get a few good players and the rest are mostly retards. Ruby Sanctum 25 will not be able to be pugged by many many groups on the server you are on. There is just too many things where a person can fail.

So all in all we left enough of the fail at the door to kill the new boss and put an old boss on the farm status she should have been on a long time ago. Hope the rest of the week goes as well.

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