Thursday, November 18, 2010

Moving this week

I am moving to a new house this week so no wow really and not much to post.

I am only logging on every 3 days for about 15 minutes to do my zg run for my tiger mount. I checked out the elemental invasion bosses. They are fun, and a good way to get some justice points for 30 mins. They drop good ilvl 251 loot so if you aren't a raider you can get some upgrades before cata.

I did pick up a disgusting oozling pet for 8k and resold it the same day for 14k (after ah cut)


  1. Bah! Disgusting oozling is like the last pet I need!

  2. I see them from time to time on the ah. Normal price is 15k. I just can't see myself spending that much on one, however I can keep an eye out for ya if ya want. It's on my snatch list.

    During the first hallows eve ever, these pets were worth any price because you could make a macro to spam summon/dismiss the pet and get a stack of the debufs that would push off any other debufs. People were able to do this and then trick or treat again within 30 seconds. Blizz fixed it though.

  3. I actually found one for 7k the other day and wanted to try the same thing but it wouldn't sell. After a few days I was anxious just to get my money back and just sold it on for cost price.

    Rather have the cash at this time. Cata is coming... (but the stupid servers are still down >.<)
