Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Laptop

You know how my laptop died a few weeks ago? Well, I had a repair done on the video card and it worked for all of 2 days.

It's been 2 years since I bought the thing and this is a good excuse to get a new one. That's just what I did. I am now in the process of moving all my important info over to the new one when I can find time outside of raiding/work/girlfriend. I have had a few things cause that spark in my brain want to make a blog post and will be putting them up after I "move house".

In the meantime you can bask in the awesomeness that is my new laptop.
It runs 2 wow instances at 60 fps both, load screens take about 6 seconds to load and the graphics are amazing.
it also looks like a stealth fighter plane.

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