Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Glyph Council

2 posts in less than 24 hours? WTF?

My server has contracted a disease. Its called the glyph council. A glyph council is where a majority of the big time sellers of glyphs try to get together and set the prices of glyphs by buying out all the lower priced glyphs and then reselling them for a much higher price.

These things never work. The problem is that the only way to control the market is to control the stock. The council tries to do this by getting the big players to only sell at a price that has an unrealistically high price. The market is so easy to get into that anyone can come along and undercut at a large discount and then the council is stuck with tons and tons of extra glyphs that wont sell.

I was propositioned to join the glyph council guild yesterday and I'm kicking myself that I didn't copy the conversation down. Today I was approached with the idea that I post fewer glyphs so they could work their magic, because, my 6 or 7 stacks of glyphs are keeping the price down.


The idea that just because the glyphs have my name on them I am keeping the market down is laughable. Even if I only posted 3 of each glyph there would be others that post under me and the same amount of stock would be under their ideal price of glyphs.

Oh and their ideal price of glyphs is ridiculous. 30 to 50g per glyph? The damn things cost 2.5g AT MOST to make. That's at least a 27.5g profit per glyph. If the market will pay that fine, but the idea that they can hold that price through market manipulation is crazy.

But I say more power to them. I undercut by 2 copper just so my name is the first on the list. If they can manage to raise the price to 30g then ill be at 29g and good for me. Let them do the work and I'll see the profits. I just refuse to sell less product so they can try to get more profit in their pockets. I am now only selling 6 of every glyph because that's about how many I sell on a given day. It used to be 10 but that meant over 3.5k individual glyphs on the market and that took 2 hours to take out of the mailbox.

I thought about making a glyph wall of 12 glyphs each at a top end price of 3 or 4g each and decided not to. It would just give me much more work to do and the only motivating factor is anger at their stupidity.

I'll let them be stupid and I'll just take my profits and run.

Ps. here is the conversation I had today with the guy trying to convince me to sell less product so they can have more sales. Out of the whole conversation his point is most concisely put from time mark 23:40:28 to 23:41:47. he wants me to post less so I get bought out then his buddies can sell theirs. If I am getting bought out I am not putting enough product up. End of story.

[23:35:06] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: u watch the auctionhouse a fair bit yeah?
[23:35:34] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: kinda
[23:35:46] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: just wondering why u post heaps of glyphs at once?
[23:35:56] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: to make gold
[23:36:17] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: u know by posting heaps at once ur keeping the glyph price low?
[23:36:57] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: nah, everyone that undercuts does. it used to be in the 40s and 50s before the competition set in
[23:37:09] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: but they dont
[23:37:14] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: now that there is alot of competition it stays int he 5g ish range
[23:37:24] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: undercut? lol everyone does
[23:37:26] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: lots of ppl like me and a lot of others only post 2 or 3 of each time
[23:37:34] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: oh yeah they undercut of course
[23:37:41] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: what im getting at is this
[23:37:47] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: by posting say.. 7 at a time
[23:37:55] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: u keep the price at that lvl
[23:38:02] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: how many you post doesnt matter when there are lots of people posting
[23:38:04] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: because u get the undercutters come
[23:38:08] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: they post
[23:38:10] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: they sell
[23:38:17] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: then it falls back to ur 7
[23:38:22] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: and because there is so many
[23:38:28] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: i could post 2 and then you and 10 others would post 2 and its still low
[23:38:28] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: the price never climbs
[23:38:37] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: i get that
[23:38:42] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: but what im trying to say
[23:38:51] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: because you post so many of the same type
[23:39:00] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: the price will never get the chance to climb
[23:39:16] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: your logic is flawed
[23:39:17] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: myself and a few others are trying to force the prices back up to a good profit
[23:39:22] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: its not flawed
[23:39:26] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: it works
[23:39:43] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: we lifted the price of 30 glyphs today
[23:39:56] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: keep bringing them up. I post 2c under the lowest one
[23:40:02] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: i know we you
[23:40:05] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: you*
[23:40:28] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: the point im trying to make, is that for example
[23:40:38] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: mr X posts glyph Y at 30g
[23:40:50] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: mr Z posts glyph Y at 80s
[23:40:55] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: the thing is that I can sell 6 or so in the 48 hrs i post, why would i only post 3 in that time and lose those extra sales?
[23:41:08] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: then you come along and post 6 or 7 at 75s
[23:41:17] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: now
[23:41:21] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: if you only posted 2
[23:41:24] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: they would sell
[23:41:27] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: so buy mine out then you can sell yours at 30g
[23:41:29] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: mr Z's would sell
[23:41:37] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: what do i care about mr z?
[23:41:47] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: and the price returns to mr X's price.. the market has recovered
[23:42:06] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: the market is what the people buying say it is
[23:42:07] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: you care because the prices will be higher and you will make more gold
[23:42:17] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: yeah but IF you flood it
[23:42:20] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: then it stays low
[23:42:29] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: it wont recover
[23:42:31] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: I know my mats cost down to the copper. I make a profit on every sale
[23:42:38] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: im sure you do
[23:42:42] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: but dont u wanna make more gold?
[23:42:48] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: i know you watch the AH
[23:42:51] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: we all do
[23:43:05] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: so posting only 3 at a time.. whats the diff
[23:43:06] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: they sell
[23:43:08] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: sure, bring the prices up and I will. im fine with whatever but im not gonna post less glyphs cause the ones I post sell
[23:43:11] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: u post anther 3
[23:43:24] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: the diff is I dont want to log on 3 times a day for ah stuff
[23:43:30] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: once is enough for me
[23:43:52] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: i post twice a day
[23:43:57] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: for example
[23:44:04] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: i dont do anywork to post
[23:44:12] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: so whats twice a day..
[23:44:24] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: mate im not trying to scam you
[23:44:25] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: if i post 6 at 2g and you want the price at 30g then then buy my 6 for 12g total and the first one you sell gives you back your gold
[23:44:30] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: im trying to help the market and us
[23:44:36] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: i know you arent trying to scam
[23:44:48] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: i know that.. but its alot of work on our behalf to do that all the time
[23:44:56] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: you just want me to work the way you do and I dont care to
[23:45:00] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: im trying to make more gold for all of us
[23:45:05] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: while reducing the my work load
[23:45:16] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: cooperation or a glyph council doesnt work.
[23:45:30] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: im not asking you to stop posting
[23:45:35] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: im asking you to stop flooding
[23:45:36] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: there are always new ppl taking up inscription cause it is the best way to make money on the ah
[23:45:53] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: lol this isnt flooding. i even brought my stack down from 10 to 6
[23:46:21] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: I could flood at 2.5g per glyph with 15 per stack easy and keep it up for months
[23:46:24] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: sigh.. i tried
[23:46:35] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: you just dont understand a free market
[23:46:39] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: good luck tho
[23:46:49] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: like I said buy mine and you can set your prices
[23:46:53] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: i do.. but im purely trying to help us all.. thats all
[23:47:00] [W From] [Totemlyfunk]: good luck
[23:47:16] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: i understand the thinking, but there will always be someone deep undercutting so it will never work
[23:47:24] [W To] [Totemlyfunk]: good luck to you too

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