Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Holidays

Its been over a week since I posted last. Holiday time pretty much flattened me. Not only did I have all the usual Xmas stuff to do: last minute shopping, opening gifts, etc. My work also got super hectic. Normally I get time to blog and play from work because I work the midnight shift for an airline. I knock out all my work then use my downtime as I see fit until its time to get the planes out again in the morning. Well, not this month. Since about 5 times more people are flying for the holidays that means I have about 5 times more work to do.

Ok, enough with the excuses on to the content.

First I'd like to give an update on my last post. I have my druid at (almost) 84 and had time to do one 10 man raid on my DK. The new content is new. If you are a serious raider the new content is nice and fresh but nothing too different than what has come before. New mechanics that are similar to old mechanics, and new mechanics that are similar to the new heroics.

The only real difference in this expansion verses the old one is that blizzard seems to want us to work the mechanics of the encounters and not zerg it. That means crowd control, not standing in fire, self healing for all specs even if that means bandages. As an old school raider I welcome the change. It makes winning an encounter feel more like an accomplishment.

I have healed most of the normal versions of the dungeons as I level. As a healer I have to wait about 15 minutes for a dungeon to pop so the bottleneck is definitely with the shortage of tanks. The last time I healed on my druid was in the Burning Crusade expansion when it was just roll lifebloom on 3 people the whole time. Healing is completely different now. You really have to make some hard choices based on who is getting hit, how your mana and your regen is at that moment, if you have any procs and how bad the person is hurt.

In 5 mans my healing strategy is to roll 3 lifebloom on the tank and refreshing with lifebloom or nourish if minimal damage is going out on him. As soon as others take damage I throw out a wild growth on them and if they need more then throw a rejuv. If there is still more damage going around or even centered on the tank I throw a swiftmend to get the efflorescence proc. I try to use those swiftmends every time its on cooldown. If the whole group is taking major damage I either tranquility or pop broccoli form and spam regrowth on everyone for that last second save/breathing room. And finally the most important thing:


I use them mostly on healing touch if it wont overheal and I have time before someone dies and if not I use it on regrowth. Using those clearcasting procs for big heals will be the best way to save your mana and you absolutely need to save your mana.

All and all I am liking playing a resto druid and I feel I will be able to be ready when I get to 85.

On to the gold making side of things. Blacksmithing profits have slowed down and came down to the expected levels on non orb gear. Expect to make anywhere between 10g and 300g per item over mats costs. As for orb gear I expect to be able to make a few thousand gold if I make and sell the item from my mats or sell the orb for 400g to 600g each with someone else's mats. Not horrible, but not gonna be the best profit per hour out there.

I have been reading that there is a new saronite shuffle out there. Using jewelcrafting to make carnelian spikes then disenchanting and selling the enchanting mats turns a profit. Similarly if you are an enchanter/alchemist you can make a lifebound alchemists stone and de it into a maelstrom crystal. Right now those crystals are only being picked up by raiders and the above method. I made a few for 750g in mats and sold the crystals for 2k each. Prices are coming down though.

It looks like inscription is going to be the big winner again this expansion as far as gold per hour goes. Glyph profits are a little higher per glyph right now but people are buying less since they only have to buy one of each ever. This doesnt mean stop making them by any means. If it makes a profit, craft it. Don't forget the DMF cards. Next week will be the first chance at making the decks into trinkets and expect the prices and amount of sales to be high.

Inscription did get a boost to the top gold making spot by getting some spectacular entry level relics and the holy grail: Mysterious fortune card. This card is blizzards answer to gamblers and in game casinos. When you get a card you "flip" it to turn it into a vendor item. That item has a chance of becoming one of 9 different denominations anywhere between 1 silver and 5,ooo gold. Of course the gambler's hope is that they will "win big" and get one of the 1k or 5k rare items. So far that item is INCREDIBLY rare. If you are a scribe you want to make these to sell not to flip yourself. Here is a little table of reported amounts found when the cards are flipped.

(prices are in gold before the decimal and silver after eg: 81.20 is 81 gold 20 silver)

Card Value # found Total Stack Price % found
0.10 812 81.20 53.88%
0.50 299 1495.00 19.84%
1.00 253 253.00 16.79%
5.00 105 525.00 6.97%
20.00 34 680.00 2.26%
50.00 2 100.00 0.13%
200.00 2 400.00 0.13%
1,000.00 0 0.00 0.00%
5,000.00 0 0.00 0.00%
Totals 1,507 1,960 Vendor per Card

What this shows is that over the course of flipping more than 1,500 cards the total gold earned back from vendoring is 1.44g per card. If you got just one 5k card added to that batch you would only have an average card return of 4.77g per card.

If you are paying more than these prices for a card you are losing money. By the way prices for the materials to make these cards are at about 18g each on my server so don't expect to see a card sell for less than 20g. To break even by flipping cards you would have to find 6 of the 5k cards in a run of 1500 cards. Do I need to say it... IMPOSSIBLE!

Stick to selling the cards and leave the flipping to those who can't do math.


  1. I do not concur with your card-material cost.

    The cards cost 1 ink and 1 parchment.

    Buying cinderbloom @ let's say, 120g a stack, i worked out my ink cost is in between 5.5g and 9g, purely because i take into account the "burning pigment" that you seem to ignore.

    If you're just making mysterious fortune cards, and selling the inferno inks, your card price will be between 6-10g maximum. If you are milling higher end herbs, and source yourself some at a quality price (i know someone who sourced over 75stacks of twilight jasmine @ 120g a stack, i personally milled these herbs for him, and his ink price was actually in the negatives, based on how much inferno inks the milling yielded) you can sell the cards for whatever you want, and make profit.

    If you are not "just making cards" then you are technically "gaining free inferno inks" so while you are spending 18g per card, you're vastly increasing the profit margin on your DMF cards.

  2. I will make an in depth post on how I get my ink prices, but yes at 120g per stack on twilight jasmine my ink price would be at 7.6 gold not 17g. Add the parchment price and you have about 8g cost per card.

    However the prices on my server for high end herbs (twilight jasmine and whiptail) are at about 250g per stack. That's why I am getting about an 18g cost to make the cards.
